How Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Can Eliminate Pain With Intercourse


Intimacy is a crucial aspect of a healthy and fulfilling life, but for some individuals, pain during intercourse can be a distressing and isolating experience. This pain, known as dyspareunia, can have various causes, including physical and psychological factors. One effective and often overlooked solution for those experiencing pain during sex is pelvic floor therapy. In this article, we’ll explore the connection between pelvic floor therapy and alleviating pain with intercourse, shedding light on how this specialized form of physical therapy can provide relief and improve overall quality of life.


Understanding Dyspareunia


Dyspareunia is the medical term for pain experienced during sexual intercourse. It can affect individuals of any gender and age, and it may present as a wide range of sensations, including burning, stabbing, aching, or sharp pain. The pain can occur at various points during intercourse, such as penetration, thrusting, or deep penetration.


Causes of Dyspareunia can be categorized into physical, psychological, or a combination of both:


  1. **Physical Causes**: These include conditions like vaginal dryness, infections, endometriosis, scar tissue from surgery or injury, pelvic inflammatory disease, and structural abnormalities.


  1. **Psychological Causes**: Emotional factors such as anxiety, stress, past traumatic experiences, or relationship issues can contribute to or exacerbate dyspareunia.


  1. **Mixed Causes**: Often, both physical and psychological factors play a role in causing pain during intercourse.


Regardless of the cause, dyspareunia can significantly impact an individual’s sexual and emotional well-being, and seeking help is crucial for improving quality of life.


The Role of Pelvic Floor Muscles


The pelvic floor muscles play a vital role in sexual function. These muscles are a group of tissues that form a sling or hammock at the base of the pelvis, supporting the bladder, uterus, and rectum. They also have a crucial role in sexual response, including arousal and orgasm.


When pelvic floor muscles become tense, weak, or dysfunctional, they can contribute to pain during intercourse. This tension can lead to muscle spasms or trigger points, causing discomfort or pain. Pelvic floor therapy aims to address these issues by restoring proper muscle function and relieving tension.


How Pelvic Floor Therapy Can Help


Pelvic floor therapy, also known as pelvic floor physical therapy or PFPT, is a specialized branch of physical therapy focused on the pelvic region. When it comes to addressing dyspareunia, pelvic floor therapy offers several benefits:


  1. **Assessment and Diagnosis**: A pelvic floor therapist will perform a thorough assessment to identify the root causes of pain during intercourse. This assessment may include an internal examination to assess the condition of the pelvic floor muscles.


  1. **Muscle Relaxation**: For individuals with tense or hypertonic pelvic floor muscles, therapy can involve techniques to release muscle tension and trigger points. These techniques can provide relief and improve muscle flexibility.


  1. **Strengthening Exercises**: In cases where the pelvic floor muscles are weak, therapy may include exercises to strengthen these muscles. Improved muscle tone can enhance sexual function and reduce discomfort.


  1. **Education**: Pelvic floor therapists provide education on pelvic anatomy, relaxation techniques, and lifestyle modifications that can positively impact sexual health.


  1. **Breathing and Relaxation Techniques**: Therapists often teach techniques for relaxation and deep breathing to help individuals manage anxiety and stress, which can contribute to dyspareunia.


  1. **Manual Therapy**: Therapists may use manual techniques such as myofascial release or trigger point therapy to address specific areas of muscle tension.


  1. **Biofeedback**: Some therapists use biofeedback technology to help individuals gain awareness and control over their pelvic floor muscles, facilitating relaxation and proper function.


  1. **Home Exercises**: Patients are typically given exercises to perform at home to complement their in-office sessions and maintain progress.


It’s important to note that pelvic floor therapy is tailored to the individual’s specific needs and may involve a combination of these approaches.


Choosing a Pelvic Floor Therapist


Finding the right pelvic floor therapist is essential for a successful outcome. Here are some considerations when seeking a qualified therapist:


  1. **Credentials**: Look for a therapist who is a licensed physical therapist with specialized training in pelvic floor therapy.


  1. **Experience**: Inquire about the therapist’s experience in treating dyspareunia and related pelvic floor issues.


  1. **Comfort and Communication**: Choose a therapist with whom you feel comfortable discussing your concerns. Effective communication is key to successful therapy.




Pain during intercourse is a distressing condition that can significantly impact one’s quality of life and relationships. Pelvic floor therapy offers a targeted and effective approach to addressing dyspareunia, whether it stems from physical, psychological, or mixed causes. Through a combination of assessment, relaxation techniques, exercises, and education, pelvic floor therapy can help individuals regain control over their pelvic health and enjoy a pain-free and fulfilling sex life. If you’re experiencing pain during intercourse, don’t hesitate to seek the guidance of a qualified pelvic floor therapist who can provide the specialized care you need to reclaim your intimacy and well-being.


Dr. Katy Rush

The Perfect Pelvis

"We Help Active Adults & Athletes Get Back To Workouts and Sports They Enjoy without surgery, stopping activities they love, or relying on pain medicine."