This is the number one question I hear. On average people deal with pelvic floor issues for 8 years before they are sent to PT. This therapy can be life changing. Let D explain how this affected her in her own words:
“Hi, my name is D, I am a 47-year-old single mom of three amazing boys, and Katy Rush has been my physical therapist for several years now. When we first meet I was nearly bed ridden from intense pelvic floor pain and I should say, she has been instrumental in helping me to have a better quality of life. My last two boys were over 9 lbs. each and literally their childbirth took its toll on my body, mind, and spirit. After the birth of my youngest son, I had a prolapse of my rectum and my bladder into my vaginal wall. I knew something was wrong, yet I was too embarrassed to tell anyone. I am (or was) a very modest person and I didn’t want anyone to know that I couldn’t have a bowel movement without holding my finger inside my vagina to stabilize the wall. Not to mention the constant peeing all over myself. I let this go on for too long but finally told my mom, my sister, and my husband. Then I found a new gynecologist since we had moved, which was difficult for me because the same gynecologist had delivered both of my youngest boys and she was wonderful.
“Once I saw the new doctor my situation became intense fast, in hind side, I made quick and rash decisions about what to do because I was scared. I had waited too long and a major repair needed to happen so, I received a rectocele and cystocele surgery with a bladder sling and literally my life changed forever. My internal anatomy changed, the sling was too tight and I began having intense bladder spasms immediately. He put me on lots of meds and he really did not know what to do with me, at that time women’s health physical therapy was not a “thing.” So, I tried to manage my life as best I could for years but I was in constant discomfort and pain which no one could really understand, not even the doctors I saw. Living in silent chronic pain is a solitary prison. I was finally referred to a urogynecologist and was diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis (now called Painful Bladder Syndrome).
“I was relieved to have been given a diagnosis and to know that I was not just imagining all of this. The problem for me though was that I could not see how I would ever be able to work, sit, stand, walk for long periods of time, carry my kids around, have a sexual relationship or even enjoy life the way I wanted to. The pain and discomfort was so hard to deal with, the majority of the time I felt like something was going to fall out of me at any minute. What I had found out later, from Katy, was that the intensity of the pain increased for me because I had been constantly holding my pelvic floor muscles (for years) to prevent whatever I thought was going to fall out from falling out.
“She helped me to understand what was happening inside of my body and it literally changed my life! I type with tears because it is so significant to me! She has seen me go through so much and overcome so much but what I love the most is that she has taught me so much!
“Just recently I had to have the rectocele redone and it has been a difficult transition but because Katy knows that part of my body better than ANYONE she worked with my doctor in helping me make a wise decision for repairing it. My journey is a constant battle, some have a few sessions and move right on but others need more time an attention. I believe a great deal of my problems surround my bladder sling and the barbaric first vaginal repair I had many years ago. In addition, to maintaining some poor habits that just hinder my overall progress which I am continually working on.
What is done is done surgically, but through the use of physical therapy we can learn to understand our bodies better and be taught how to manage a very precious part of our bodies. Katy gives her clients the tools they need to succeed in having a healthy pelvic floor despite where or how the trauma occurred. Don’t be embarrassed, I hope this testimonial brings you hope. The pelvic floor is our base, our core, and it needs to be strong and taken care of. If you chose Katy Rush, you are in the right hands.”
Blessings, Dee
If you are dealing with similar issues, don’t wait to get help any longer. Contact me for a free 20 min assessment today.